Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I had lunch today with a friend I have known since I lived in Warsaw almost a quarter century ago. She once more lives not far from me now, but we haven't seen each other much as we are both busy with our lives. We talked about so many things, the way girlfriends do: our children; our husbands; our parents and siblings; ourselves.... It was lovely and rejuvenating for me to spend time with her.

An odd coincidence: the last time I was in my nearby beadshop, there was an attractive woman there who reminded me very much of this friend. I thought "coincidence" and went about my business, then went to pay. The attractive woman was in line ahead of me, and I realized she had some of the exact mannerisms of my friend as well, so I blurted out: "Do you have a sister named".... and she turned to me and said yes! How funny that two sisters not only look so much alike, but also have such similar mannerisms! My own dear sister and I look nothing alike!

In spite of taking time out for lunch, I managed to restring a necklace of rock crystal drums separated by glass beads. The crystal I bought when I was living in Peru, and I can't bear to part with them as I have so few left. I need to take a photo of it.

It's been a good day.

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